Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Stanford. A complete history. Abridged.

Please leave a comment... this took me FAR too long to not have a single one...


Anonymous said...

Just one?

Anonymous said...

It was surprising to see Allen sponsoring the winner-takes-it-all $20m event single-handedly when the whole of American Banks and NBFC's were reporting bankruptcy and queuing up for a bailout. So the truth has been unravelled now!

Spigot said...

Yeah well that's one more than normal jrod!

It's funny seeing the Stanford stuff rise up from the "inside", i.e. cricket instead of banking, but when you see things as someone who couldn't give a shit about a silly game that lasts a week (apart from in his world of course). Offshore banker? American with large financial doings in the Caribbean? Barge pole for table 1 please.

Anonymous said...

Dunno how I managed to miss this splendid popeyed shower-loving Stanford fest - probably cos you don't post regular young man....

Is this an animated .gif? Have an animation package of sorts somewhere but am too scairt to use it

Spigot said...

Well I posted it 3 times on FB. Maybe I should use jrod's tactics and spam other blogs ;-)

It's just gimp still. you save multiple layers as a gif it'll merge them or animate each layer as a frame.